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Mutty's Little Cabin


I'm still working on things around here, so it's a bit messy for now. I wanna turn this into maybe a place where I

share my artwork and just log things in life going on or just be a little place where someone could find me if

they wanted to look. But yeah, name's MuttyProfessor. I'm a Christian. I'm a dude, currently 20 years old. I have

interests in some things, but my interests constantly have been changing over the years. Currently, I like to cook.

usually a nice meal full of protein heh. Kinda into weight lifting and want to get stronger,

it's something I do like and fantasize about. Like, I'd run around my house as if I was a

13-year-old kid, imagining myself moving at subsonic speeds in combat with made-up characters in my head

, hoping I can maybe someday use these thoughts for my stories I dream to write... I blame the anime Jujutsu

Kaisen for this, hehe. I think. Just the animation and character designs and fights are inspiring, truly.

Shoot, that's my main inspiration for this manga I want to

create. Other things I like are aircraft. I really wanted to be a fighter pilot at one point and kinda still would like

that, but if it's not in God's will, then it's alright. A man's gotta dream. My favorite aircraft would have to be the

F-15. He's a big one for sure, but man, does that jet have range! Super cool fighter jet.

My Gifts from God and What I Love

Gifts from God and What I Love


discord: muttyprofessor "add me and shoot me a message maybe, i dont mind talking tho i may be really late with replies

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